Is Twistbell Legit :-This virtual portal is not discussed on any pioneering review site


This article will answer the question Twistbell Legit about a virtual marketing platform which deals with a specific type of dumbbell.

Do you enjoy working out at home? Do you have problems with having too many dumbbells in the gym? Are you looking for an alternative to all the dumbbells that you have? You have come to the right place.

Today’s article examines the credibility and legitimacy of an online marketplace selling dumbbells. The United States body trainees want to know if this website is legitimate. To answer your question Is Twistbell Legit, please continue reading.

Twistbell is real?

To confirm the authenticity of this platform, please find important and well-researched information.

  • Portal’s Old Age – This platform is only eight days old. It was established by the team on 21 June 2022.
  • Website Trust Score2%, Very Poor Trust Index.
  • Ranking in Alexa Database Unavailable
  • Linking with Social Media Forums – This platform does not have any social media links.
  • Shoppers’ Feedback –Twenty one written reviews are available here, all with five star ratings. We found two issues with these Twistbell Review. The feedback dates are not available. It is incorrectly stated that there are 351 reviews at the top.
  • Contact Information’s Legality –Websites from many virtual shopping platforms have the same number, which suggests authenticity doubts. The Internet search results show that the physical address is faked, with the same address showing up with different street names.
  • Contradicting Web Design The Shipping page states that shipment is available worldwide. However, the checkout page only offers the United States option in the country drop-down.

This website is suspicious as shown in the above section. It is however difficult to comment Is Twistbell Legit due to its recentness.

What’s Twistbell?

Twistbell, a virtual store that sells dumbbells and accessories online, is Twistbell. This adjustable dumbbell can be used to replace multiple dumbbells of different weights. The package also includes a static floor holder as well as a rack.


  • Types of Site – An online shopping portal that offers a particular dumbbell and its kit.
  • Address of Website –
  • Physical address of Platform –646 Pendergast Court Massapequa NY-11758
  • E-mail Id –
  • Phone Number –7377544081
  • Linking with Social Media –Not Included. (Lacking social media presence can increase your inquiry Twistbell Legit.
  • Terms and Conditions –Stated
  • Sorting Method and Filter – Not applicable
  • Privacy Policy –Given
  • Shoppers can return dumbbells within ninety day of buying them. After a few days, the amount will be credited to the customers’ accounts.
  • Shipping and Delivery Details – Delivery takes 7-10 working days, and is available worldwide for free.
  • Payment Modes –Credit Cards of MasterCard, Discover, or Visa
  • Price of the Item –Mentioned In USD


  • The FAQ section contains important information that developers have provided.
  • The website’s infographics clearly explain the product’s function.
  • Shipping coverage is not stated in both the policy and on the payment page.
  • This store’s recent history adds to its suspicion and inability trust.
  • This website has poor social media connections.
  • The Net search results show that the phone number of the store is identical to other stores. It is therefore unlikely that it is original. Additionally, certain details of the physical location appear to have been altered.
  • The privacy policy and terms of usage sections have been modified to reflect the physical address of the team. The Contact Us page, however, displays only the form.

Twistbell Review

This virtual portal is not discussed on any pioneering review site. It is clear that the majority of shoppers have never viewed this site or used its products. The reviews on this site are not credible as they do not reflect the dates. This is why there is no verified feedback on this platform. If you feel scammed, here are some Return Your Money to PayPal


It appears ambiguous from the points we have gathered about it. It is still difficult to determine Is Twistbell Legal due to the newness of this portal. As a precaution, How To Get a Full Return on Credit Card Scam is important. You can also read the benefits of dumbbells .

Is this website trustworthy? Please leave a comment below