Top Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Top Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

From the administration to the delivery of medical services, Artificial Intelligence is being applied to a wide spectrum of healthcare services. This is making things easier for doctors, nurses, medical administration staff, and patients as well. Though it is just the beginning, AI applications in the healthcare sector are estimated to reach an investment level of $140 billion in the coming years. 

The identification of healthcare concerns and their solutions is being carried out much faster and easier than before. AI can be the real revolution in the healthcare sector. Hospitals and private healthcare professionals may have to invest a bit before they can enjoy its fruit but it is truly worth it. Rather than being an alternative, AI will be a helping hand for healthcare experts, as many are concerned.

Here are all the applications through which AI is influencing the healthcare sector and will continue to do so. Before using these apps, make sure to have a stable internet connection as most of the AI apps work in real-time. If you don’t have one, we suggest you visit Mediacom internet page to see a list of amazing internet packages at your convenience. 

Now without any further delay, have a look at the list that we have assembled for you. 

  1. Medical Administration

For payers, providers, insurers, and medical administration, keeping track and records of things is a very big task. Bringing AI as a tool to help with medication administration is going to be greatly helpful. 

One of the biggest assistance provided by AI can be the identification and cutting down of fraud done by multiple parties involved. For this, the algorithm provided by AI can easily detect any unusual transaction made by any of the parties. Medical insurance companies can also carry out algorithm-based audits to better streamline the transactions.

  1. Medical Imaging Diagnostics

Medical imaging and diagnostics is the one field that is already greatly benefiting from Artificial Intelligence. AI is assuring the provision of smooth clinical practices by doctors, healthcare professionals, and even medical researchers. The reduction in symptom diagnosis and improvements in test outcomes is a milestone achieved by AI. 

The detection of complex conditions such as Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is being made possible with the assistance of AI in medical imaging. Even the visualizations of blood flow and its quantification is also possible now. Cardiac assessments can now be made in a fraction of the time as compared to traditional cardiac MR scans.    

  1. Robot-Assisted Surgeries

Robot-assisted surgeries can help in the improvement and accuracy of surgeries and can also reduce the time duration. There are still some fears about the usage of robots in surgeries because these AI-powered robots can decide how the procedure should go on. But in reality, the operation will still be carried out under the supervision of a human; robots will only assist in the more delicate parts. 

Many advanced clinics in the world have employed these robots to carry out abdominal surgeries. The current focus of AI and medical professionals is to make robots that can assist in brain surgeries.

  1. Medical Research

As the medical issues in the world become complex, there is a need for a more advanced level of research. AI is a helping hand in healthcare research as it provides all the necessary tools and makes carrying out our research and experiments easier. There is a need to have new drugs that can better treat the existing conditions and even the new ones. 

There is also a need to repurpose the existing drugs to make them effective as the diseases keep on evolving. Conventional computers are slow and not advanced enough to detect changes in cells when a certain drug is introduced, here is when AI makes things effective.

  1. AI for Mental Health

AI for mental health diagnosis has to be applied earlier than possible because mental health issues keep on increasing in the world and we may not have enough professionals to deal with all. AI can detect things like changes in the human voice, its tone, the choice of words and how long was the phrase spoken. 

AI chatbots can also be used to talk with people who need immediate help before a professional can be arranged. For people suffering from conditions like PTSD, stress, depression, and suicidal inclination, every minute is important and AI chatbots can save so much time.

  1. Medical Training

The way training is given in medical schools can be changed altogether with the introduction of AI. As new technologies are being introduced, the pieces of training of professionals have to be made advanced as well. 

Even procedures like removing brain tumors can be taught through AI. The AI tutor used for this gave feedback that students could learn 2.6% faster and 36% better than traditional ways. AI is also facilitating remote learning by creating virtual patients and helping students learn who can’t be present in sight.


Be it diagnosis, surgery, research, administration, or training, AI is here to completely change the way the healthcare sector works. One can expect the medical sector to give better outcomes for patients and professionals alike.