What is a Webinar and why is it important for Digital Marketing?

What is a Webinar and why is it important for Digital Marketing?

The word webinar seems to be in vogue in these times of pandemic, all brands are offering some to address super interesting topics.

Because it is a current topic, we have decided to help you understand what a webinar really is and why companies of all sizes have decided to include them in their digital marketing strategy.

Let’s define the word webinar.

Actually, the expression webinar is a neologism that includes the words web and seminar, so we could translate the term as web seminar.

If you are now wondering, what is a seminar? Its more exact definition would be “Meeting where information is shared and discussed”.

Perfect, I know what a webinar is, and what good is that for me?

The thing with webinars is that they are a very powerful weapon in any marketing strategy, because they help generate and nurture leads.

Explained in a much simpler way, every time you launch an online event, you must make people subscribe on a landing page and with that information you can expand your list of prospective clients in order to increase your chances of sales, which translates in new clients.

How does a webinar work?

One thing that must be quite clear is that a webinar is another type of digital content and therefore falls within the inbound marketing strategies, which focus on the conversion funnel.

Webinars are the ideal type of content to attract new customers, educate existing prospects, or finish delighting them so that they finally make the leap to being active consumers of your brand.

How do you schedule a webinar?

Generating a webinar is not a difficult task, but like everything in life it takes practice and experience, mainly to know the tool that you are going to use to transmit the webinar.

The steps to plan a webinar effectively are the following:

1. – Choose the transmission tool:

There are premium tools such as ZOOM, whose free version allows you to broadcast your events in a limited way in terms of the number of attendees.

There are also payment tools like Got Webinar, one of the most complete for managing webinars; and there are even free platforms like Google Meet or Facebook that recently decided to offer an alternative for webinars through Messenger.

2. – Plan the topic to be discussed:

The theme is in accordance with 2 things, the first is the objective you intend to achieve, such as introducing a new product, teaching the audience to use your software or simply answering frequently asked questions live and direct.

The second aspect that you must take care of regarding the subject is that it is really valuable and important to your ideal client. Otherwise, you won’t end up delighting and convincing them to become a customer.

3. – Choose the speaker or person in charge of giving the webinar:

Here you have several options, the first is to be yourself or someone from your team who dictates the seminar. This option has the advantages that the webinar is easier to coordinate and also helps to increase the reputation of your brand.

The next option is to ally with other companies and create a mega event. It is an excellent alternative because it will allow you to increase your notoriety and credibility before the audience, as well as make yourself known among those who follow your allies to capture any prospect for your business.

As a last option, you can contact as a speaker a specialist in the subject who is already taken as a micro influencer, it will give you the same benefits as the previous alternative and it will also be much easier for you to coordinate the entire event.

Why are webinars ideal for digital marketing?

Webinars are among the contents that generate the most engagement with almost all audiences, because within them you can make use of multiple content strategies. Here we summarize some of them:

  • Live broadcasts: They allow you to interact with the audience and provide them with valuable content because it is highly personalized.
  • Video content: All your live webinars will in turn end up being explanatory videos that you can offer to your prospective clients on a recurring basis.
  • Chat: Absolutely all the tools to broadcast webinars have a chat, which will help you to understand a little more the needs of your buyer person when interacting with them.
  • Surveys: What better place and time than a digital meeting to conduct a survey of your customers, they have just received something valuable and therefore will be more open to answering your questions.
  • Screen sharing: By sharing your PC screen, you have the opportunity to show step by step the proper way to perform a task and even share other resources that provide extra benefits to live attendees.

Summary of the post and frequently asked questions about the webinars:

What is a webinar?

A webinar is a web seminar. That is, a meeting through digital media where information on a specific topic or topic that is of great value to your audience will be discussed and shared.

What is the relationship between the funnel and webinars?

It is the best combination of all, a webinar is the perfect way to capture and nurture leads, with a view to converting them into qualified prospects for sales through lead scoring.

Explained in a simpler way, webinars are a type of content with a lot of engagement, which means that it arouses the interest and interaction of online users.

By creating these types of seminars and placing a registration form for the event, your brand can attract and obtain many new leads, which are the beginning of a conversion funnel.

How is a webinar different from a video tutorial?

Webinars are usually live events, because their value lies in the fact that users interact with the brand directly.

Instead, a tutorial is a pre-recorded video where a person teaches the audience how to solve a specific problem, but does not answer their questions in real time like a webinar does.


Including one or another webinar within your digital marketing strategy will help you position yourself as a benchmark in the market, improving your investment in Digital PR and branded content in order to increase ROI in these actions.

Webinars are also among the types of online advertising that help the most to reduce the CAC of a business, especially when incorporated into the social media plan.

In short, it is a powerful resource that has already largely demonstrated its effectiveness and with the Covid-19 pandemic its margins of success have only increased exponentially.